Feature request: assert expressions should live inside version(assert)

Tommi tommitissari at hotmail.com
Sun Jul 7 06:21:36 PDT 2013

On Sunday, 7 July 2013 at 13:12:06 UTC, Tommi wrote:
> [..] Then, when parsing assert expressions, if an undefined 
> symbol is found, the compiler would check that separate list of 
> symbols that it has been keeping, and if the symbol is found 
> there and use of the symbol is syntactically correct, the 
> compiler would just keep on going instead of spewing an 
> "unidentified identifier" error.

One thing that might also help there, is the fact that once an 
unidentified identifier is encountered in an assert expression 
and that same identifier is found on that separate list of things 
we've been keeping, then we know that the current assert 
expression can only end up either being an "unidentified 
identifier" error or being compiled out of existence, but it 
can't end up being turned into an assert(0).

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