Poll: how long have you been into D
Nick Sabalausky
SeeWebsiteToContactMe at semitwist.com
Mon Jul 8 13:23:27 PDT 2013
On Mon, 8 Jul 2013 12:21:24 -0700
"H. S. Teoh" <hsteoh at quickfur.ath.cx> wrote:
> and all of the other stuff that insists on
> accessing stuff they shouldn't need to access in order to function.
> It always makes me suspicious when, for example, a single-player game
> app requires "full internet access", sometimes "access to personal
> account info", etc.. Why on earth does a single-player game need to
> access the internet?!
To retrieve the advertisements to show you (at least for the free
games). But aside from that, yea. I often got the feeling the
developers were just leaving all those "this app uses XXXX" flags
enabled just for the hell of it. But I was also fearful that I might be
wrong about that.
> > But overall, Android is definitely less irritating, less idiotic
> > (ex: sideways keyboard is accessible *consistently*, user-selectable
> > default apps for various things), and is just overall the lesser of
> > the two evils.
> I found Android *far* more configurable to my liking than any of the
> iOfferings.
Yea, definitely. Apple in general is very anti-configuration and
anti-choice. That was one of the big things that drove me away from OSX
back when I was using it.
Android is even more configurable though if you have it rooted and use
CyanogenMod. In fact, personally, I don't see much reason not to run
CyanogenMod. They do a good job - it's really just Android with more
options and fewer restrictions.
> On the iPod/iPhone I feel like I'm trying to climb Mt.
> Everest with my left foot glued to my right ear, just because Somebody
> decided that you have to do things that way, and that way alone.
Good analogy :)
> I dunno, on my Android (icecream sandwich) it's a separate app. Took
> me a while to find it, though.
I don't know which one that is. I was using 4.0, whatever goofy
pointless codename that is. (Ehh, But at least they're alphabetical,
unlike Debian's "random Toy Story character" bullshit.)
Anyway, there's probably a good chance I just overlooked the direct task
manager program, or saw it and just didn't think to "home" it.
> > In any case, that's still not as nice as if the task switcher simply
> > didn't insist on cluttering itself with "recently used" junk that
> > isn't even running. But yea, sticking the task manager on home would
> > have at least been an improvement.
> I thought the task switcher was basically a "recently used" list.
That's probably a good way to think of it. That *is* what it ultimately
amounts to. I'd rather have a proper task switcher, though. Accessing
frequently used functionality is what the home screen is already there
> If
> you wanna know what's *actually* running, use the task manager. :)
Yea, next time I have an Android device I'll make sure to remember to
"pin" the task manager.
> > >
> > > Good luck having D apps accepted by the App Store.
> >
> > I'd be surprised if those dumbfucks in App Store Approvals would
> > even notice.
> [...]
> They'd notice if your app was a superior browser that threatens the
> dominance of Safari. :)
So very true :(
It absolutely amazes me that Microsoft caught hell for merely
installing their browser by default, and yet Apple doesn't even raise
an eyebrow for outright banning all other browser engines.
Clearly Steve Jobs has managed to install Apple as our society's newest
sacred cow. I wish he was still alive so I could destroy him myself.
> Or a video player that *gasp* can play more
> formats than the crippled built-in video player can (*ahem*VLC
> player*cough*). Basically anything that threatens the dominance of
> Apple's own offerings. (I'm not making this up -- google for why VLC
> player was removed from AppStore. Or why only Opera Mobile Mini exists
> in AppStore.)
Yea. Apple == Big Brother (well, Google too TBH, but just with a
different emphasis: Google surveillance vs Apple micro-managing).
To buy an Apple product is to pay them to take your freedoms away. And
it doesn't even stop at Apple's own users. Apple takes their random $'S
and the monopolies they purchase from Federal Monopolies 'R Us (aka
"USPTO") and go on the rampage against any company that threatens their
dominance. The ghost of Job's personal vendettas is alive and well at
Apple HQ.
Seriously, people bitch about MS (and rightfully so), but Apple makes MS
look like the fucking FSF.
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