"Value class instance" pattern?
bearophileHUGS at lycos.com
Sun Jul 14 08:17:41 PDT 2013
> Hm, actually naive scoped usage seems to work for me:
> ---------------------------------------
> import std.typecons;
> class B
> {
> byte a;
> }
> class A
> {
> typeof(scoped!B()) b = void;
> this()
> {
> b = scoped!B();
> }
> }
Good. If I comment away most tags it seems to work:
import std.typecons;
const class Foo {
int x;
this(int xx) const pure nothrow {
this.x = x;
/*const*/ class Bar {
/*const*/ typeof(scoped!Foo(1)) f = void;
this(int x) /*const pure nothrow*/ {
// f = typeof(f)(x); // Can't be used.
f = scoped!Foo(x);
void main() {
auto b = new Bar(10);
I will try it in my code to see if and how well it works.
I have seen code like this:
class Bar {
const int[1000] x = void;
this(int n) {
x[] = n;
void main() {}
That gives me:
test.d(2): Warning: const field with initializer should be
static, __gshared, or an enum
test.d(4): Error: slice x[] is not mutable
Are those error messages right?
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