working on the website

Val Markovic val at
Sun Jul 14 14:59:52 PDT 2013

On Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 2:37 PM, Walter Bright
<newshound2 at>wrote:

> I agree with your three points. I'll add that anyone can do a pull request
> to address any/all of these.

How can someone send a pull request to address the long latency of
responding to pull requests? The other issues I pointed out are blocked on
that one, because until that is addressed, there's no point in sending PRs.
My free time is both limited and precious to me and I'm sure the free time
of others is precious to them as well. As an outside contributor, if I see
that contributions are not valued highly (as evidenced by the response
time; I'm sorry but that's just the way it works) I don't feel motivated to

I give freely of my own time, make changes, send a pull request and then
wait months for a maintainer to so much as glance in its direction. You can
see the problem here.

As a project maintainer, if you want others to contribute to your project
you need to make contributing utterly frictionless.
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