Deimos need some works

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Thu Jul 18 02:06:05 PDT 2013

On Thursday, July 18, 2013 01:59:54 Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Thursday, July 18, 2013 09:37:52 bioinfornatics wrote:
> > On Thursday, 18 July 2013 at 07:36:48 UTC, bioinfornatics wrote:
> > > after taking a look about dub source code. I do not think dun is
> > > the way to go. Maybe i misunderstanding something.  This project
> > > do not follow FHS:
> > > 
> > > at line 73
> > >
> > > dub path are set to "/var/lib/dub/"
> > > 
> > > and at line 195
> > >
> > > 5
> > > 
> > >   install path is set to "/var/lib/dub/packages/"
> > > 
> > > Any serious linux distro should to accept this to their official
> > > repo. Then all d project which provides only dub as installer
> > > will fail grow.
> > > 
> > > Maybe i misunderstood somewhere just show me
> > 
> > Any serious linux distro should not* to accept this to their
> > official repo.
> Except that none of this is supposed to even be in a Linux distro. None of
> it would ever be in a Linux package or be installed in /usr or /var or any
> of that. These are development packages, not actual programs, so there's no
> reason to even have them installed by the distro in the main system. You
> only need them to build your own software.
> Now, that's a bit different if you're dealing with shared libraries (which
> we'll have soon), and at that point, dub (or any other D package manager)
> would potentially have to worry about looking at what's installed on the
> system in some standard manner, and shared D libraries would be installed
> with Linux packages. But for anything you'd be doing now, that's completely
> irrelevant, because there's no benefit in installing any of it in the
> system as a whole. This is particularly true for deimos projects which
> don't even generate static libraries. They've basically just the D
> equivalent of a bunch of include files.
> So, I don't think that discussing installing deimos with a linux package
> (such as an rpm or deb) makes any sense at all. At this point, the only D
> stuff that it makes sense to make Linux packages for is applications. In
> the future, it'll make sense for shared libraries, and package tools like
> dub will have to adapt deal with that, but for the moment, since shared
> library support in D is in its infancy, it's pretty much a non-issue.
> We _could_ make linux packages for static libraries, but there's really not
> much benefit in doing so, particularly when D compiles so quickly, and you
> pretty much have to have built everything with the same version of dmd. But
> not even that applies to deimos, since it just provides bindings.

I would also point out that a number of other languages (e.g. ruby, haskell, 
and perl) have package managers for downloading code to use and which may or 
may not be integrated into Linux packages. And it's that sort of thing that 
we're looking to emulate. Then you can just build your program without having 
to track all of the dependencies down. The D package manager would just do 
that for you.

- Jonathan M Davis

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