Compile-time optimization
H. S. Teoh
hsteoh at
Tue Jul 23 12:58:11 PDT 2013
On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 12:42:18PM -0700, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> With the help of the new tupleReduce, you can do all sorts of
> compile-time optimizations.
Here's an example of how to implement compile-time optimization of
join() with the help of tupleReduce:
// Just for the sake of example, the following function uses ","
// to join the strings in the arguments.
string join(string[] args...) {
string result;
string delim;
foreach (arg; args) {
result ~= delim ~ arg;
delim = ","; // just for example
return result;
// This is the wrapper that uses tupleReduce (see my previous
// post) to reduce the arguments at compile-time. For
// illustration purposes, I omitted the "," from the reduction
// function, so that you can tell from the output what has been
// reduced at compile-time, and what is reduced at runtime.
template optimizedJoin(args...)
string optimizedJoin() {
return join(tupleReduce!((string x, string y) => x~y, args));
void main() {
writeln(optimizedJoin!(x, "a", "bc", y, "de", "f"));
The output is:
As you can see, "a" and "bc" have been concatenated at compile-time, and
so have "de" and "f". Since x and y can't be read at compile-time, they
remain as variable arguments. The optimizedJoin template then collects
the elements of the reduced tuple and hands it off to join() to do the
rest of the work at runtime.
Notice that join() uses "delim ~ arg" to do the concatenation at
runtime; we could ostensibly replace this with the same function literal
we pass to tupleReduce in optimizedJoin(). Then you'll have a full
implementation of join() that performs compile-time optimization of its
I rest my case. :-)
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