Flame bait: D vs. Rust vs. Go Benchmarking

Craig Dillabaugh cdillaba at cg.scs.carleton.ca
Fri Jul 26 07:20:49 PDT 2013

> But you can also convey the same negative opinion about the 
> code without using that kind of language. If it makes it more 
> likely the code author will take on board the criticism and 
> react well to it, why not? It costs you much less to temper 
> your language, than to deal with an offended or angry developer.

This discussion brought to my mind the quote (don't know who said

“Obscenity is the sign of a weak mind trying to express itself

However, I must admit I've known many people who have brilliant
minds that tend to enjoy using obscenity, so this cannot be
entirely true.  However, I do think the quote has some truth to
it as sometimes obscenity is used to add force to an argument,
when perhaps a little more thought would have simply produced a
better argument.

In honour of Nick through, I would like to end with a variation
on the above quote that he might enjoy more (of course, I have
removed the obscenity).

“Obscenity is the crutch of inarticulate $#@%!^%%$%ers.”

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