Request: Auto string mixin templates
public at
Tue Jul 30 12:37:49 PDT 2013
On Tuesday, 30 July 2013 at 19:21:06 UTC, JS wrote:
> I don't think so.
No one will take that from you :)
> If you write nice code but it is useless then there is no point
> in anyone reading it.
Then don't write useless code. Hint: writing any piece of code
longer than N involves reading it even you work alone simply
because of limitations of human memory.
> If one allows proper mixin behavior and D ever gets a good ide,
> then it will be possible to have an intellisense like feature
Please no. Relying on IDE features is a major sign "bad language
> If you block every aspect to make using such features easier
> then few will use them and there usage won't get easier.
Perfect. That is the goal. It is not newbie feature, it is
complex feature, it should not be easy to slip into unnoticed.
> I think your problem is that you...
I don't have a problem. You, however, have a problem convincing
people who's opinion does matter. Hint: I am not part of that
group. I am simply trying to explain in details one possible
point of view why this proposal is bad. Can happily retire if you
don't need it.
> The fact is, that string mixins are already hard to read... so
> just by removing the mixin statement won't change that. The
> point you are trying to make is flawed.
That is irrelevant to actual design of string mixins. There are
only very few tools to inject symbols into enclosing scope.
Keeping them as explicit is possible is important for code
> Anyways, it would be nice to actually debate the real merits of
> such a feature rather than feelings about it.
Exactly. Merit: saves few symbols. Flaw: someone needs to spend
time to implement it. That alone is enough to say "No".
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