Slow performance compared to C++, ideas?

finalpatch fengli at
Sun Jun 2 05:26:13 PDT 2013


IIRC -inline is a DMD specific switch. Adding this to gdc command line
produces this:

gdc.exe: error: unrecognized command line option '-inline'

Besides, the improvements mainly come from unrolling short loops not
from inlining.

Joseph Rushton Wakeling <joseph.wakeling at> writes:

> On 06/02/2013 11:32 AM, finalpatch wrote:
>> The flags I used 
>> OSX LDC: -O3 -release
>> WIN GDC: -O3 -fno-bounds-check -frelease
> Does adding -inline make a difference to initial performance (i.e. before your
> manual interventions)?  I guess it's already covered by -O3 in both cases, but a
> while back I did notice some differences in "default" LDC and GDC performance
> that seemed to relate to inlining.


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