The state of core.simd

Benjamin Thaut code at
Sun Jun 2 13:38:19 PDT 2013

Am 01.06.2013 12:18, schrieb Benjamin Thaut:
> I've taken a look at core.simd and I have to say is unuseable. In a very
> small test program I already found 3 bugs
> 1) Using debug symbols together with core.simd will cause a ICE
> 2) The STOUPS instruction is not correctly implemented:
> 3) The XMM register allocation is catastrophic:
> Whats the current state of core.simd? Is it still beeing worked on?
> Because it its current state its pretty much unuseable.
> Kind Regards
> Benjamin Thaut

Can someone with some knowdelege on the topic please provide some 
information about the current plans on core.simd?
Manu? Walter?

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