Error after installing DMD v2.063

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Sun Jun 2 16:54:34 PDT 2013

On Sunday, June 02, 2013 16:50:00 Walter Bright wrote:
> It already is broken up per OS:

But the _zip_ file isn't. We keep asking for _that_ to be broken up. That's 
completely separate from whatever is going on with rpms or debs or exe 
installers. Plenty of people just use the zip file, and they don't want to have 
to download dmd for every OS it supports. And we are now having issues with 
symlinks because of the way the zip currently works. If we had a tarball for 
linux (or FreeBSD or Mac OS X, etc.), then that could trivially have the 
symlinks be correct, and the rpms and debs colud be correctly generated as 
well. Clearly, having everything in one zip is causing problems.

- Jonathan M Davis

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