Slow performance compared to C++, ideas?

Kapps opantm2+spam at
Mon Jun 3 00:30:55 PDT 2013

On Monday, 3 June 2013 at 07:06:05 UTC, Manu wrote:
> There are functions that
> the author intended to be overridden, and functions that have 
> no business
> being overridden, that the author probably never imagined 
> anyone would
> override.
> What if someone does come along and override one of these, and 
> it was never
> designed to work under that circumstance in the first place?
> At very least, it will have never been tested. That's not a 
> very robust API
> offering if you ask me.

This is something just as important as the performance issues. 
Most of the time people will leave functions to simply use 
whatever the default is for virtual/final. If it's final, this 
works fairly well. The author hasn't put in the effort to decide 
how to handle people overriding their function. But with virtual 
by default, you don't know if the author actually considered that 
people will be overriding the function or if it's simply that 
they didn't bother specifying. I know the vast majority of my 
code is virtual, simply because I didn't specify the 'final' 
keyword 500 times, and didn't think about that I'd need to do it. 
The resulting code is unsafe because I didn't consider those 
functions actually being overridden.

A standard example is the addRange vs add functions. If these are 
left as default, you have no clue if the author considered that 
someone would be overriding it. Will addRange call add, or do you 
need to override both? Is this an implementation detail that may 
change at any moment? Or when a different class overrides 
addRange and makes it call add? By forcing the author to write 
'virtual', you know that they at least *considered* that someone 
may override it, and hopefully thought about the consequences or 
documented whether addRange calls add. Or they may think about it 
later and realize that it's a mistake to have left it default and 
make addRange final. Going from final to virtual is fine; going 
from virtual to final breaks code.

And of course, the vast majority of functions should *not* be 
virtual. So why is it the default to have to specify 'final' for 
all of these functions?

I think that there are substantial benefits to final being 
default, but breaking every single program that uses inheritance 
is a pretty big issue. Still, fixing the code would be quite 
trivial if you can see a list of the functions that need to be 
made virtual (either by specifying --transition=virtual or just 
looking at the compiler errors that pop up when you build). It 
would even be possible to write a tool to automatically update 
code using the results of --transition if it was implemented in a 
way that gave enough details. Unfortunately this would only solve 
the issue of making your code work again, you would still have to 
go through everything and decide if it should be virtual.

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