
Andrei Alexandrescu SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Tue Jun 4 13:47:10 PDT 2013

On 6/4/13 2:43 PM, Timothee Cour wrote:
>     What is the improvement of typing:
>         compress(lzw)
>     over:
>         lzwCompress()
>     ?
> writing generic code.
> same reason as why we prefer:
> auto y=to!double(x) over auto y=to_double(x);

I think the application here is a bit more tenuous. It's natural to 
think of a type-parameterized algorithm that needs to!T. But it's more 
of a long shot to think of an algorithm statically parameterized on the 
compression method. That could definitely intervene, but it's not likely 
to be frequent; and if it's not, a mixin can always take care of it.


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