Monkey Patching in D

Peter Lundgren peter at
Tue Jun 4 19:18:34 PDT 2013

I'm interested in trying to write a monkey patching* library in 
D. Specifically, aiming to support mocks and stubs for unit 

I have a couple of questions:

1) What prior art is there here? I am aware of DMocks (does this 
project still need a maintainer?).
2) How crazy am I for even thinking this is a good idea? Are 
there any obviously better alternatives.

* I'm not sure if there is well defined terminology here 
(especially applying these ideas to compiled languages). To 
clarify, when I say monkey patch, I mean to intercept a function 
or method call at run-time. I believe, in the case of D, this 
would require self modifying code using techniques like those 
used here:

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