Time to destroy Walter: breaking modules into packages
Jonathan M Davis
jmdavisProg at gmx.com
Thu Jun 6 00:10:56 PDT 2013
On Thursday, June 06, 2013 08:31:57 Marco Leise wrote:
> If package is ambiguous, maybe it needs to be split in two or
> take a parameter package(std.algorithm) or something like that
> to serve both use cases.
While that might be nice, I'm inclined to think that it would be better to
avoid the extra complication and just pick the behavior that seems the most
useful. In neither case is the loss all that large, particularly since package
is likely to be used fairly rarely. It's quite useful to be sure, but it has a
narrow enough set of typical use cases that complicating it probably isn't
worth it.
- Jonathan M Davis
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