Member function pointers

Jacob Carlborg doob at
Mon Jun 10 05:56:46 PDT 2013

On 2013-06-10 14:32, Michel Fortin wrote:

> Type-safety. I mean, you can do this if you want:
>      auto funcptr = &Object.toString;
>      auto object = new Object;
>      // now call our function using object
>      string delegate() deleg;
>      deleg.ptr = cast(void*)object;
>      deleg.funcptr = funcptr;
> but this is not type-safe: the funcptr type ("string function()") is
> actually wrong (it'll only work if called from a delegate) and the
> object pointer the in the delegate is a void*. All Manu is asking is
> that funcptr is of a correct type so you can call it directly by
> supplying "this" as an argument, like this:
>      funcptr(object);
> The problem is that this "correct type" for the function pointer does
> not exist currently. Calling a member function uses a different ABI, so
> the type needs to know somehow its a pointer to a member function (and
> that its first parameter is "this"), otherwise the generated code at the
> call site will be all wrong.

Then he's asking for (more) type safe delegates and support for C++ 
member function pointers.

/Jacob Carlborg

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