tango.text.util delimit

seany seany at uni-bonn.de
Thu Jun 13 06:46:55 PDT 2013

The delimit function in tango, called by auto w = 
delimit(complex_str, del_chars), uses each char in the string 
del_chars as a delimiting character to split complex_str.

however, i need to parse a bit of latex, and would love to know, 
if it is possbile to parse a string, whose "components" are 
delimited by another string.


a && b && c && d\\ e && f && f && g\\

this string has the components ... a ...g and they are delimited 
by \\ or && (two char long strings)

does tango provide a function for that?

sorry if i missed the answer where i should have looked

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