Needlessly large instantiation depth in std.typetuple algorithms

khurshid khurshid.normuradov at
Fri Jun 14 06:06:55 PDT 2013


I was create 
issue, and thanks for Kenji Hara, and others most of algorithms 
were changed:

1. Filter
2. anySatisfy
3. allSatisfy
4. staticMap
5. Reverse

But, I think that following algorithms can change easily, too:
6. ReplaceAll        which used GenericReplaseAll
7. Replace           which used GenericReplace
8. NoDuplicates
9. EraseAll         which used GenericEraseAll
10. Erase           which used GenericErase
11. staticIndexOf   which used genericIndexOf

My idea was very simple--  replace head/tail principle to 
bisection principle.

What are  you think, for this idea?

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