std.signals regressions - std.signals2
d at
Mon Jun 17 13:09:34 PDT 2013
>> It is completly unusable, "mixin Signal!() x" is blocked by bug, it
>> doesn't compile due to a wrong type (relativly easy fix), then when
>> using -unittest it fails to compile, compiler also doesn't give any
>> hints what exactly fails.
> Current master is an experimental CAS based implementation- untested and
> very likely to get completely reworked internally.
Good to know, but that is already a few monce old, or? I remember seeing
CAS in the code though
>> Removing these unittests makes it at least compile, but the other
>> unittests fail (assert). Removing also these unittests (hoping it still
>> works), nope it doesn't signals aren't triggered at all.
>> Are there any plans on improving this situation with std.signals or the
>> new implementation, currently both are getting less useable every day...
>> (e.g. signal.disconnect(&my_handler) disconnects all, yay what a joy)
> There are plans absolutely, to be concrete: I plan to make it ready in
> July. There is one blocker currently:
> but there is already an aging pull request which fixes it:
> (4 months old
> already)
> I hope it will be merged soon, then there is hopefully nothing that
> hinders my plans. The very least it should become ready during summer.
This blocker wasn't a problem, I used the FullSignal, I can live with
that, I don't like to have a private emit method anyways (in my opinion,
private is always wrong)
>> I am hijacking this thread in hope someone will read that ;)
>> Hopefully also someone of the "new std.signals" developers.
> I almost missed it ;-)
> Sorry about your bad experiences with the current version.
Hehe wouldn't say it is your fault, obviously it worked at some point (I
guess)... I blame DMD, Ranges and the GC of course ;)
- David
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