Ć Programming Language - Compile C# subset to C, Java, C#, JS, AS, Perl and D

Rob T alanb at ucora.com
Mon Jun 17 14:03:51 PDT 2013

On Monday, 17 June 2013 at 18:12:12 UTC, Walter Bright wrote:
> On 6/17/2013 6:53 AM, Aleksandar Ruzicic wrote:
>> Oh, on second read I see you were talking about autocomplete 
>> box. I've disabled
>> that feature long ago..
> I like the autocomplete box. I use it as a spell checker :-)
> Anyhow, I think the days of D being hard to search for are past.

Don't be fooled by the Google search history, it records 
everything you do and attempts to give you what you already 
expect from previous searches, (it also attempts to do targeted 
advertising), so what works well for you may not work for others.

To find out what Google does to D novices, try browsing through 
the Tor network. Prob a good idea anyway if you prefer that the 
NSA should not have your entire Google history too.


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