Ranges and random numbers -- again

monarch_dodra monarchdodra at gmail.com
Tue Jun 18 03:00:24 PDT 2013

On Tuesday, 18 June 2013 at 09:32:35 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> On Tuesday, June 18, 2013 10:27:11 Joseph Rushton Wakeling 
> wrote:
>> On 06/18/2013 08:06 AM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>> > It would probably be a pretty easy sell  though, since it 
>> > can probably
>> > stay
>> > mostly the same aside from the struct -> class change 
>> > (though at that
>> > point, we might as well take the opportunity to  make sure 
>> > that anything
>> > else that should be redesigned about it gets  redesigned 
>> > appropriately).
>> Yea, this is also my feeling, which is part of why I'm pushing 
>> this concept
>> of "random ranges" -- I want to ensure that the related issues 
>> are properly
>> understood and discussed and some well-thought-out design 
>> patterns are
>> prepared in order to ensure good and statistically reliable 
>> functionality
>> in std.random2.
>> One small note -- I'd have thought that a struct with an 
>> internal
>> pointer-to-payload (allocated using manual memory management, 
>> not GC) would
>> have been a superior design for pseudo-random number 
>> generators compared to
>> making them final classes.  The latter is just the easiest 
>> thing to do for
>> simple tests of PRNG-as-reference-type.
> An internal payload might make more sense, but it probably 
> needs to be done in
> a way that it can be controlled (which may require custom 
> allocators), because
> even allocating with malloc all the time might be a problem for 
> the guys who
> are really picky about memory stuff - though maybe that level 
> of customization
> could be added later. I don't know. I also don't work in that 
> kind of
> environment, so I don't know exactly what such programmers find 
> acceptable.
> - Jonathan M Davis

Memory wise, classes or pointer to payload will both have a 
memory allocation cost anyways. classes will be on the GC, 
whereas structs *may* use malloc + ref count.

The advantage of classes is that you can default initialize them, 
which is a real + given that some random ranges may need priming. 
(or we could bring up yet again the subject of allowing structs 
to have explicitly callable constructors with no arguments).

What I remember, is that there were some people who did numerics 
that didn't want to have reference types, because of the overhead 
to access the payload. They *really* wanted to be able to declare 
their types on stack.

What I did find though is that if you implement all of the PRNGs 
as value types, you can then easily wrap them all inside a 
reference types or class. This:
1: Makes implementation easier
2: Leaves a door open for users that want explicitly value types 
(at their own responsibility).

The last issue is input vs forward. IMO, PRNG's should be input 
by *default*, and forward (when possible) on demand. Making a 
PRNG forward by default means you can't prevent an algorithm from 
saving your range. That means that *even* if you have a reference 
type, you could still have duplicate series. In the above example 
with dual call to "array", one can *hope* to have two different 
ranges... but there is nothing preventing array from calling 
"save" just to troll the user. fill does (used to) do it :D

I was also able to implement this pretty easily: Just give the 
saveable ranges the "dup" primitive. Users of the PRNG can then 
explicitly dup if they want to very safely and explicitly. If 
they really want a ForwardPRNG, then a simple adaptor that adds 
save in terms of dup is provided.

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