TDD is BS?

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Wed Jun 19 19:43:18 PDT 2013

On Thursday, June 20, 2013 00:55:20 Szymon Gatner wrote:
> Anyway perfectly understandable POV. TDD is just a methodology. I
> myself not too long ago though it was *eghm* stupid to say the
> least. Why would I write the code entirely other way I was doing
> it until now? I am new to TDD but I must say I think it works for
> me. I am not ashamed to admit I am not to good in designing high
> level pieces of code. I know how to implement stuff but
> weeks/months later when requirements change I am always
> struggling with what i've done. Finally I see reusable pieces of
> code that I know I will be using in other possibly completely
> unrelated projects. Maybe TDD is just for stupid ppl like me? :P

I don't think that anyone's calling you stupid, but several of us do think 
that TDD is flawed. However, if it works for you, it works for you.

- Jonathan M Davis

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