feature request: __traits(getTemplate, A!T) => A; __traits(getTemplateArguments, A!(T,"foo")) => (T,"foo")

Timothee Cour thelastmammoth at gmail.com
Sat Jun 22 15:04:17 PDT 2013

I've fixed several limitations in std.traits.fullyQualifiedName
/ packageName / moduleName but still have issues with templated types /

struct A{}
std.traits.fullyQualifiedName!(A!(int)) => CT error.

attempt to fix it:

template Stringof(alias T){
static if (!isCallable!T) enum Stringof = T.stringof;
else enum Stringof = __traits(identifier, T);
template isTemplateInstantiation(alias T){
import std.algorithm;
enum isTemplateInstantiation=Stringof!T.canFind(`!`);
template fullyQualifiedName(alias T)
static if (isTemplateInstantiation!T){
enum s=Stringof!T;
import std.algorithm;
enum s2=s.findSplit("!");
mixin(`alias temp=`~s2[0]~`;`);
enum fullyQualifiedName =fullyQualifiedName!temp~s2[1]~s2[2];

  struct A(T1,T2){}
  static assert(fullyQualifiedName!(A!(int,double)) == "util.traits.A!(int,

however, it works only when "A" is visible in the scope of
fullyQualifiedName, so it's pretty useless as it is. A potential fix would
be to require the user to use a mixin
(mixin(fullyQualifiedNameMixin!(A!double)) ) but that's ugly.

What we need:
__traits(getTemplate, A!T) => A
__traits(getTemplateArguments, A!(T,"foo")) => (T,"foo") (ie returns a
tuple as in parameterTypeTuple or similar)

any thoughts?
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