proposal: lazy compilation model for compiling binaries

JS js.mdnq at
Mon Jun 24 00:35:40 PDT 2013

It should be possible to "export"(or rather "share") types,
mixins, templates, generic unit tests, etc. (shared compile time
constructs would just be "copied" to a shared library as they
can't be compiled)

All public compilable constructs should be automatically
exported. A shared keyword added to a function declaration can
mark it as "exportable".


module A;

shared foo(){ ... };
shared mixin template bar() { ... };
shared template Foo(T) { .... };
shared interface Bar { .... };
shared myunittest(F1, F2, ...) { ... );
shared mycontract(F) { .... };

All shared constructs are added to the export table and available
for use. Generic unit tests and contracts allows one to "collect"
common unit tests and contracts and apply them to arbitrary
functions and classes. By including compile time constructs in a
library allows one to group a set of functionality, both run-time
and compile-time, at one location.

As far as lazy evaluation goes, I think only any reachable symbol
from main should be included regardless unless otherwise

e.g., suppose we have a scriptable application that uses some
statically shared library. It may be that some custom look
function lookup is used. One needs a way to insure that the
compiler will include symbols that might not be reachable at
compile time. In this case one should simply have to mark a
module as reachable as to include all shared symbols... or lets
say just a group of symbols:

import A {foo, bar, FOO*, !BAR*, ... }

where the brackets are used to tell the compiler to include all
the symbols(with regex capabilities). ! can be used to force
exclusion, technically it shouldn't be needed but it could be
useful in some cases.

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