Notes from C++ static analysis
bearophileHUGS at
Wed Jun 26 11:08:08 PDT 2013
An interesting blog post found through Reddit:
The post is about the heavy usage of static analysis on lot of
C++ code. They have a Python script that shows new warnings only
the first time they appear in the code base. This is a simple but
very useful memory, to solve one of the most important downsides
of warnings.
The article groups bugs in some different categories. Some of the
D code below is derived from the article.
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Format strings:
The most common problem they find are errors in the format string
of printf-like functions (despite the code is C++):
>The top type of bug that /analyze finds is format string errors
>– mismatches between printf-style format strings and the
>corresponding arguments. Sometimes there is a missing argument,
>sometimes there is an extra argument, and sometimes the
>arguments don’t match, such as printing a float, long or ‘long
>long’ with %d.<
Such errors in D are less bad, because writef("%d",x) is usable
for all kind of integral values. On the other hand this D program
prints just "10" with no errors, ignoring the second x:
import std.stdio;
void main() {
size_t x = 10;
writefln("%d", x, x);
In a modern statically typed language I'd like such code to give
a compile-time error.
This is how how Rust gets this right:
println(fmt!("hello, %d", j))
In D it can be written a safe function that needs no extra static
ctWritefln!"%d"(x, x);
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Variable shadowing:
This is a much less common problem in D because this code gives a
void main() {
bool result = true;
if (true) {
bool result = false;
foreach (i; 0 .. 10) {
foreach (i; 0 .. 20) {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
test.d(4): Error: is shadowing declaration test.main.result
test.d(7): Error: is shadowing declaration test.main.i
test.d(11): Error: is shadowing declaration test.main.i
There are some situations where this doesn't help, but they are
not common in idiomatic D code:
void main() {
int i, j;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
In D this is one case similar to variable shadowing, that the
compiler doesn't help you with:
class Foo {
int x, y, z, w;
this(in int x_, in int y_, in int z_, in int w_) {
this.x = x_;
this.y = y_;
this.z = z;
this.w = w_;
void main() {
auto f = new Foo(1, 2, 3, 4);
I believe the compile should give some warning there:
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Logic bugs:
bool someFunction() { return true; }
uint getFlags() { return uint.max; }
void main() {
uint kFlagValue = 2u ^^ 14;
if (someFunction() || getFlags() | kFlagValue) {}
The D compiler gives no warnings. from the article:
>The code above is an expensive and misleading way to go "if (
>true )". Visual Studio gave a clear warning that described the
>problem well:
warning C6316: Incorrect operator: tested expression is
constant and non-zero. Use bitwise-and to determine whether bits
are set.<
A simpler example:
enum INPUT_VALUE = 2;
void f(uint flags) {
if (flags | INPUT_VALUE) {}
I have just added it to Bugzilla:
Another problem:
void main() {
bool bOnFire = true;
float angle = 20.0f + bOnFire ? 5.0f : 10.0f;
D compiler gives no warnings.
Visual Studio gave:
>warning C6336: Arithmetic operator has precedence over question
>operator, use parentheses to clarify intent.
warning C6323: Use of arithmetic operator on Boolean type(s).<
I opened an ER lot of time ago, "Require parenthesization of
ternary operator when compounded":
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Signed, unsigned, and tautologies:
Currently this gives no warnings:
>This code would have been fine if both a and b were signed – but
>one of them wasn’t, making this operation nonsensical.<
import std.algorithm: max;
void main() {
int a = -10;
uint b = 5;
auto result = max(0, a - b);
>We had quite a few places where we were checking to see if
>unsigned variables were less than zero -- now we have fewer.<
This is a well known problem, it's an issue in Bugzilla since lot
of time, and it seems there is no simple way to face it in D.
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