D vs C++ - Where are the benchmarks?

Marco Leise Marco.Leise at gmx.de
Sun Jun 30 21:27:15 PDT 2013

Am Sun, 30 Jun 2013 22:55:26 +0200
schrieb "Gabi" <galim120 at bezeqint.net>:

> I wonder why is that.. Why would deleting 1 million objects in 
> C++ (using std::shared_ptr for example) have to be slower than 
> the garbage collection freeing a big chunk of million objects all 
> at once.

I have no numbers, but I think especially when you have complex graph
structures linked with pointers, the GC needs a while to follow all
the links and mark the referenced objects as still in use. And this
will be done every now and then when you allocate N new objects.

> I mean, it would probably block the main thread but the 
> avg rate of deleting objects shouldn't differ from manually doing 
> so right ? So the main issue would be unpredictable pauses 
> (what's a typical delay to expect from cleaning 1000000 objects?) 
> of the main thread and not avg performance I think..

The current implementation is a stop-the-world GC. It freezes all
threads known to the runtime. (Excluding threads created with the
native API and not registered with the runtime.)

> Any other tips to get high performance besides the GC issue?

From the top of my head:

o Mark classes or single methods final when you can, as
  bearophile pointed out. (shaves off a few % in object heavy
o See if you can use structs instead of classes, they don't
  have virtual methods and are simpler to allocate/return on
  the stack.
o When working with strings, be aware that foreach iterates
  them by byte, whereas Phobos - in an attempt to do the right
  thing - iterates them by dchar (UTF-32 code point), which
  means a UTF-8 decoding process.
o Some of Phobos is very fast, some is very slow. If you care
  much about performance evaluate different approaches before
  jumping to conclusions.

As an example of the two last points combined, take finding
a '\0' in a string (compiled with DMD):
algorithm.countUntil:     355213 per second
std.string.indexOf  :   33121530 per second (~100x faster)

Am Sun, 30 Jun 2013 19:53:05 -0700
schrieb Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg at gmx.com>:

> On Monday, July 01, 2013 04:37:43 Mehrdad wrote:
> > On Sunday, 30 June 2013 at 20:49:28 UTC, Peter Alexander wrote:
> > > sometimes faster
> > 
> > Would love an example that demonstrates it!
> Anything involving taking a lot of substrings is likely to be faster in D 
> thanks to slices (which is one of the main reasons that Tango's xml parser is 
> so lightning fast).

I think he referred to the DMD backend being faster than
GDC/LDC sometimes, no ?


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