Migrating dmd to D?

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at progtools.org
Fri Mar 1 07:28:50 PST 2013

On 01.03.2013 07:10, Russel Winder wrote:
> Walter,
> On Thu, 2013-02-28 at 14:46 -0800, Walter Bright wrote:
> […]
>> I know I probably come off as a ninny about this, but professional users will
>> run screaming from any open source code unless it contains:
>> 1. a copyright notice
>> 2. a license
>> 3. who owns the above
> Not ninni-ish at all, very sensible. Of course it is not the
> professional users that worry about these things, it is their lawyers.
> Worse there is a whole collection of misunderstanding and
> misapprehensions, not to mention FUD, about the various well known
> licences.

I lost count the amount of times I had to fulfill Excel sheets with 
information for Lawyers before we could use open source software.

Some of those sheets are pretty exhaustive. :\

- License
- Owner
- Web site
- Code repository location for the given release number
- In which product it is going to be used
- Why we are using open source in first place
- Examples of known software that also make use of the related software
- ...

This for each single version being used. A new version requires going 
again through the process.


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