having a folder containing dots in the import path

Robert jfanatiker at gmx.at
Fri Mar 8 02:53:24 PST 2013

> This only works if you explicitly provide the module to DMD. If you
> only pass the -I import switch to find the module it will not compile.
> I wouldn't call this a feature, but rather a bug. It's probably a case
> of a string compare returning true instead of actually verifying where
> the module is. At best this could be a feature enhancement, but I
> don't think it will fly.
> There is also an opposite bug:
> http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=9194

You are right, this is sad :-( Thanks.

I think it would actually be pretty neat to support this properly,
because there are times where you end up having a directory containing a
single directory containing a single directory, ... just because of the
module path. Having to traverse three folders just to get to the source
code could easily be avoided if this was actually an official feature.

I filed a bug report:

If you have some argument why this would be a bad idea, feel free to add
a comment.

Best regards,


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