C++ guys hate static_if?

Jesse Phillips Jesse.K.Phillips+D at gmail.com
Sun Mar 10 11:10:26 PDT 2013

On Saturday, 9 March 2013 at 00:48:59 UTC, DypthroposTheImposter 
>        See the static_if paper here:
> http://isocpp.org/forums
> Under the post "constraints and static if" there is a link to a
> document about
> static_if
> https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=forums&srcid=MDIyMDc3NjUwMTczOTM0Mjk3NjABMDI2MzM3MjkxNDM4NDQ5MzE4NDcBLWVsS1Y4dFhtdDhKATUBaXNvY3BwLm9yZwF2Mg
>       Are they full of it? Has it caused the problems they 
> mention
> in
> D?

It is hard for me to say, they continued to bring up that they 
have better tools to achieve some of the items (constexsp) but 
don't give an example of what that code would look like.

It seems like they aren't actually looking for serious discussion 
on the matter; "C++ would become a low-level, unprincipled, 
hackers’ favorite playground." as apposed to what it is now a 
low-level, unprincipled, playground no hacker would play in 
unless they had to? That combined with not wanting to include a 
"realtively simple-to-use new feature" really makes it hard to 
take the paper seriously.

As for template constraints, we do have issues in D; 
monarch_dodra has been good to go over those. I'm glad we have 
them, but they are not without their faults.

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