Raising the bar on Phobos unittest coverage

Brad Roberts braddr at slice-2.puremagic.com
Mon Mar 18 17:33:24 PDT 2013

A super critical part of tests that involve networking.. make sure you're 
pointing at resources that you own.  Pointing at even a popular site that 
you're sure can handle the load, is just rude.  The auto-tester currently 
runs the full build/test cycle a little over 1200 times a day these days, 
or roughly once a minute.  Multiply that by however many remote calls it 

And that's just the tester.. it doesn't include the ad-hoc test runs that 
people do.  Nor does it count whatever auto-testing is done for gdc or 

On Mon, 18 Mar 2013, Jonas Drewsen wrote:

> Please note that std.net.curl needs to have PHOBOS_TEST_ALLOW_NET env variable
> defined or else it will early out on most unittests. I guess that will
> increase the coverage from 2 to something more sane.
> -Jonas
> >         $(DMD) -cov=2  -unittest -main -run std\net\curl.d

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