D => asm.js for the web?

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at progtools.org
Sat Mar 23 02:02:20 PDT 2013

Am 23.03.2013 03:34, schrieb Adam D. Ruppe:
> On Saturday, 23 March 2013 at 02:20:33 UTC, bearophile wrote:
>> I think someone will be happy to use D instead of C/C++ on the web for
>> performance-sensitive code, like games.
> If it compiles to any kind of javascript it is a mistake to think
> they'll be a performance boost over just writing javascript, with or
> without annotations. Odds are there will be leaky abstractions in the
> compile process that can hurt speed.

It is actually quite fast.


Having said this, compiling code to JavaScript just feels wrong.

Unless the idea is to port legacy code, I don't see any advantage.

Code translation eventually means you might end up trying to understand 
why something does not work in the target language, while doing a 
compiler mental model of the translations taking place.


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