Request for review - std.serialization (orange)

Kagamin spam at here.lot
Sun Mar 31 14:57:27 PDT 2013

On Sunday, 31 March 2013 at 21:25:48 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> Ok. I'm not familiar with Protocol Buffers.

Well, the basic idea of EXI and similar standards is that you can 
have 2 types of serialization: built-in when you keep schema in 
the serialized message - which value belongs to which field (this 
way you can read and write any data structure) or schema-informed 
when the serializer knows what data it works with, so it omits 
schema from the message and e.g. writes two int fields as just 
consecutive 8 bytes - it knows that these 8 bytes are 2 ints and 
which field each belongs to; the drawback is that you can't read 
the message without schema, the advantage is smaller message size 
and faster serialization.

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