I wrote a JSON library

w0rp devw0rp at gmail.com
Thu May 9 00:21:29 PDT 2013

On Thursday, 9 May 2013 at 01:42:41 UTC, deadalnix wrote:
> Awesome. Another nice thing you can do it to use alias this on 
> a @property to allow for implicit conversion to int.
> Overall, the API is super nice ! If performance don't matter, I 
> definitively recommend to use the lib.

I'll have to experiment with the alias this idea.

There are still a few things I need to work out. I'm missing an 
overload for opCmp (plus the host of math operators), and the 
append behaviour is perhaps strange. I had to choose between ~ 
meaning a JSON array is added to the LHS, [] ~ [1, 2] == [[1, 
2]], or an array is concatenated, like the normal D arrays, [] ~ 
[1, 2] == [1, 2]. I went with the former for now, but I might 
have made the wrong choice. It all came about because of this.

auto arr = jsonArray();

arr ~= 1; // [1]
arr ~= "foo"; // [1, "foo"]
arr ~= jsonArray() // Currently: [1, "foo", []]

auto another = jsonArray();
another ~= 3;

arr.array ~= another.array; // Always: [1, "foo", [], 3]

I swear that I wrote a concat(JSON, JSON) function for this, but 
it's not there. That would have accomplished this:


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