The liabilities of binding rvalues to ref

Rob T alanb at
Thu May 9 16:01:23 PDT 2013

On Thursday, 9 May 2013 at 21:55:51 UTC, Manu wrote:
> Umm, what if the non-template counterpart returns ref? Then it 
> doesn't
> behave the same.

Yes, the non-template version cannot ref return an auto ref 
param, but I would expect that neither can the template version 
unless auto ref is specified as the return value. The key 
difference that I think can be understood is that auto ref on the 
return value for a template is not the same thing as auto ref on 
the param.

For templates, you can enforce exactly the same behavior as the 
non-template version by specifying a return of either ref or not, 
ie you do not specify auto ref or you specify a return by value.

If you so happen to specify a ref return of an auto ref param, I 
would expect the compiler to refuse to compile no matter if it is 
a template function or not. Of course you can confuse the 
programmer and allow such a thing to compile only for the cases 
where it can return ref on the auto ref, but IMO that'll be a big 
mistake as it will confuse the s*** out of most people, and 
besides allowing something like that has no value at all.

> D is a complex language, so stuff like this does take some 
> getting used to,
>> but it is very powerful and flexible, no two ways around it.
> If this takes 'getting used to', you're basically admitting 
> that it doesn't
> make intuitive sense.

Well, I suppose I cannot disagree with you on that point, so yes 
it is confusing, but for sake of a solution, it is not nearly as 
confusing so long as auto ref on the parameters will behave the 
same for both template and non-template versions in a consistent 
way. I know auto ref on the return is potentially confusing, but 
it does increase template flexibility as the benefit.

Alternatively, I think Jonathan's argument against scope ref 
makes perfect sense. Unless I misread something or he's dead 
wrong, how can scope be used without creating even more 
confusion? Even if scope has some properties in common with auto 
ref, it specifies something entirely different than accepting 
rvalues and lvalues. This point reminds me of why we should not 
be using bool as an integral type, it's the same reasoning.


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