I wrote a JSON library

w0rp devw0rp at gmail.com
Tue May 14 13:23:40 PDT 2013

I have been working on a few improvements to the library. First, 
I made a few performance tweaks. Aside from very small (and 
therefore hard to describe) tweaks, I made two major improvements.

1. Manual parsing of numbers has been implemented.
2. When the input is a string, the indices and the length are 
used instead of the array InputRange functions.

The first one is a dangerous idea, but my unit tests show that at 
least what I have tested works. The reasoning behind it is that 
before, a string buffer (Appender!string) was created for 
numbers, and then one of parse!long or parse!real was chosen 
based upon whether or not the parser figured out it was an 
integer or not. Now it will read the input into actual numbers as 
it goes and then spit out an integer or a floating point number 
after it hits the end. You need to put a helmet on, but there's 
less allocation along the way. Perhaps this idea could be better 
encapsulated at some point with an std.conv function which 
accepts a range and returns a tagged union.

The second improvement is actually pretty nice, because I already 
wrapped the input range functions in methods anyway, so it was a 
simple matter of inserting 'static if ... else' to flip the 
string optimisation on. Perhaps it is better in general to wrap 
strings in range structs than to rely on std.array's range 

The end result is that I can now cheat at my own benchmark.

Ran for 100 runs

std.json : 674 ms
vibe.data.json : 604 ms
json : 548 ms

Which I updated slightly to match some function renaming (plus to 
correct my earlier embarrassing omission of .msecs) here: 

It's not a complete test of speed, and as always with benchmarks, 
mileage will vary.

In addition to these things, I made a few of the property and 
function names a little nicer, and generally improved on the 
documentation, which currently looks a little like this. 
http://www.mediafire.com/?q5lwtj2cc22s1t0 I apologise for my 
current lack of hosting. (I plan to correct this at a later date, 
perhaps with a website written in D!)

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