Craig Dillabaugh
cdillaba at cg.scs.carleton.ca
Thu May 16 14:36:03 PDT 2013
On Thursday, 16 May 2013 at 20:46:01 UTC, Borden wrote:
clip ...
> What are the general opinions on La(Tex) in terms of code
> documentation? I only have a superficial understanding of it
> but it seems to follow many of the principles that DDoc
> incorporates. It also has the advantage that it's not quite as
> obtrusive as XML when writing from scratch. Then again, I read
> on Wikipedia that Knuth's next incarnation of Tex is going to
> be XML-based. XML seems to be the unavoidable trend in file
> design.
Can you provide a reference for the claim that the next
of TeX is going to be XML based? I did a quick search and
turn up anything. Perhaps it was some sort of April fool's joke
I can think of a lot of ways that TeX/LaTeX could be improved,
XML to the mix is certainly not one of them!
With regards to your question, would La(TeX) be good for
The markup it uses is pretty easy to work with for the most part
I think.
It is easy to do things like enumerated/itemized lists. Tables
are not fun,
but I don't know if that is a markup issue as much as just the way
La(TeX) handles tables.
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