External lib unittests: they're killin me!

Timothee Cour thelastmammoth at gmail.com
Mon May 20 19:46:42 PDT 2013

On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 6:52 PM, Nick Sabalausky <
SeeWebsiteToContactMe at semitwist.com> wrote:

> Y'know what we need? This compiler flag:
>    -unittest=pagkage.name.*

I would like that as well.

Here's a workaround in the meantime:
dmd -c -unittest a;
dmd -c b;
dmd -oftest -main -unittest *.o
./test => will only run unittest of a, not b.

Another thing we need is named unittests:


It's been requested so many times and I still don't get the arguments
against them.
Here's a common workflow:

1) I write a function fun.
2) I write a function test_fun that tests fun.
3) I run test_fun in isolation (saves time, only need to run that)
4) Later on, once its debugged I turn test_fun into a unittest.

Having unittest(test_fun){...} would simplify this routine.

> Damn near every codebase in D uses "unittest{}" sections. Obviously
> that's good.
> But it's also bad:
> I cannot flip on unittests for my project (where "I" and "my" can be
> substituted with the name of any D user) without *also* flipping on
> unittests for every source-library used, transitively. Unless the lib
> versions-out their unittests with "version(Unittest_MyLibXXX)"...And
> none of them do. (well, mostly)
> This *can* be fine, *when*:
> - They're all fast.
> - Their sum doesn't make DMD's memory usage go kabloom.
> - They all have all their prereqs already setup (sometimes the need for
>   some configuration isn't easily avoidable, example: setting up a DB
>   user/login).
> - And none of them have any failures...on the *exact*
>   OS/arch/compiler/compiler-version combination that I happen to be
>   using. Oh, and the exact versions of any other dependent libs.
> We could say "Let's just recommend good style is to version out your
> unittest blocks". But that's programming by convention: All it takes is
> one lib not playing ball, or one unittest in one lib that just happened
> to forget it, and then the poor user is back to "ad-hoc patching"-land.
> And it's boiler-plate, anyway.
> So alright...Who's with me?!!! "Yeaaaa......!!!!!" (<-- Belushi running
> out the door)
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