Ideal D GUI Toolkit

Paulo Pinto pjmlp at
Thu May 23 00:48:44 PDT 2013

On Thursday, 23 May 2013 at 06:27:28 UTC, Peter Williams wrote:
> On 23/05/13 11:23, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
>> I've never actually done i18n so I might be full of crap, but 
>> I think a
>> nice way to do it would be something along these lines:
>> 1) (optionally) all printing functions actually take a 
>> different type
>> than just plain string, forcing you to use the translation 
>> function
> Not all strings should be translated.  So you need a way to say 
> which ones do need to be translated.  Many schemes have been 
> invented over the years (by Sun, Microsoft, etc.) but most of 
> them died when gettext() came along as they were all very 
> complex compared to gettext() and usually involved creating 
> digests and giving strings id numbers etc. which rapidly became 
> a maintenance nightmare.

I never used gettext except in the very few cases I did any C 
development on UNIX systems.

Qt, JVM and Win32/.NET languages have other mechanisms, which are 
pretty much alive.


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