Any plans to fix Issue 9044? aka Language stability question again

Denis Shelomovskij verylonglogin.reg at
Sat May 25 03:07:29 PDT 2013

As those of you who do write some non-toy projects in D know, from time 
to time you projects become unbuildable because of Issue 9044 [1] an you 
have to juggle with files and randomly copy/move functions from one 
library to another to "detrigger" the issue creating mess marked "Issue 
9044 workaround". It become really annoying when your one-file project 
using an external library fails as it forcing you to juggle with that 
library files (e.g. VisualD's `cpp2d` project which triggers the issue 

I'd never complain about such things but the language is tend to be 
self-called stable by main maintainers and I'd like to finally see an 
official definition of this "stability" as it obviously contradicts my 
personal very loyal definition (e.g. I have noting against breaking 
changes if they are in good direction).


Денис В. Шеломовский
Denis V. Shelomovskij

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