D's limited template specialization abilities compared to C++

Kenji Hara k.hara.pg at gmail.com
Sat May 25 20:55:16 PDT 2013

2013/5/26 Ahuzhgairl <bulletproofchest at gmail.com>

> Kenji,
> Thank you much for the '.C' alias support, Amazed to see there could be
> some action so quick!
> Could we please look at the nontype-as-primary-template?
> How can we deduce all of the dependent types from a non-type template
> parameter, if it's the only parameter of the primary template?
> struct Foo {};
> template <class> struct B { Foo x; }
> template <nontype P> struct A;
> // P is the primary-template param
> template <auto M, auto C, nontype P> struct A<M C::*P> {
>     // Given the call in main,
>     // M is deduced as Foo
>     // C is deduced as B<int>
>     // P was passed successfully and we know the types that make it up.
> }
> int main() {
>     auto mp = &B<B<int>>::x
>     A<mp> a;
> }

Hmm. Currently D can specify specType for alias template parameter.

struct X(alias int x) {}   // matches only when the symbol x has the type
void main()
    int a;
    X!a xa; // match OK
    long b;
    X!b xb; // match NG

But, compiler does not allow parameterize of specType.

struct Foo {}
struct B(T) { static Foo x; }

//struct A(alias P) {}

struct A(alias M* P, M)    // matches only when the symbol P has the type M*
//struct A(alias C.M* P, M, C)

void main()
    auto mp = &B!(B!int).x;
    A!mp a;   // does not match...

I think it should be allowed.

Kenji Hara
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