Slow performance compared to C++, ideas?
Juan Manuel Cabo
juanmanuel.cabo at
Thu May 30 21:29:18 PDT 2013
On 05/31/2013 12:45 AM, finalpatch wrote:
> Hi FeepingCreature,
> Thanks for the tip, getting rid of the array constructor helped a lot, Runtime is down from 800+ms to 583ms (with LDC,
> still cannot match C++ though). Maybe I should get rid of all arrays and use hardcoded x,y,z member variables instead,
> or use tuples.
> On Friday, 31 May 2013 at 03:26:16 UTC, FeepingCreature wrote:
>> There's some issues involving the use of array literals - they
>> get allocated on the heap for no clear reason. Create a version
>> of your vector constructor that uses four floats, then call that
>> instead in your line 324.
I just shaved 1.2 seconds trying with dmd by changing the dot function from:
float dot(in Vec3 v1, in Vec3 v2)
auto t = v1.v * v2.v;
auto p = t.ptr;
return p[0] + p[1] + p[2];
float dot(in Vec3 v1, in Vec3 v2)
auto one = v1.v.ptr;
auto two = v2.v.ptr;
return one[0] * two[0]
+ one[1] * two[1]
+ one[2] * two[2];
2 secs, 895 ms, 891 μs, and 7 hnsecs
1 sec, 648 ms, 698 μs, and 1 hnsec
For others who might want to try, I downloaded the necessary derelict files from:
(DerelictUtil and DerelictSDL directories). And compiled with:
dmd -O -inline -noboundscheck -release raytracer.d \
derelict/sdl/sdl.d derelict/sdl/sdlfuncs.d \
derelict/sdl/sdltypes.d derelict/util/compat.d \
derelict/util/exception.d derelict/util/loader.d \
derelict/util/sharedlib.d -L-ldl
I also ran it with the -profile switch. Here are the top functions in trace.log:
======== Timer Is 3579545 Ticks/Sec, Times are in Microsecs ========
Num Tree Func Per
Calls Time Time Call
11834377 688307713 688307713 58 const(bool function(raytracer.Ray, float*)) raytracer.Sphere.intersect
1446294 2922493954 582795433 402 raytracer.Vec3 raytracer.trace(const(raytracer.Ray), raytracer.Scene, int)
1 1748464181 296122753 296122753 void raytracer.render(raytracer.Scene, derelict.sdl.sdltypes.SDL_Surface*)
933910 309760738 110563786 118 _D9raytracer5traceFxS9raytracer3RayS .... (lambda)
1 1829865336 78200113 78200113 _Dmain
933910 42084879 42084879 45 const(raytracer.Vec3 function(raytracer.Vec3)) raytracer.Sphere.normal
795095 13423716 13423716 16 const(raytracer.Vec3 function(const(raytracer.Vec3)))
933910 11122934 11122934 11 pure nothrow @trusted float std.math.pow!(float, int).pow(float, int)
933910 313479603 3718864 3 _D9raytracer5traceFxS9raytracer3RayS9raytracer5SceneiZS ... (lambda)
1 3014385 2991659 2991659 void derelict.util.sharedlib.SharedLib.load(immutable(char)[][])
1 152945 152945 152945 void derelict.util.loader.SharedLibLoader.unload()
1590190 89018 89018 0 const(raytracer.Vec3 function(const(float)))
1047016 70383 70383 0 const(float function()) raytracer.Sphere.transparency
186 66925 66925 359 void derelict.util.loader.SharedLibLoader.bindFunc(void**,
immutable(char)[], bool)
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