Dynamic array and slices (need Walter and Andrei decision)

Simen Kjaeraas simen.kjaras at gmail.com
Fri May 31 11:14:44 PDT 2013

Interestingly, on Lambda the Ultimate[0] today I found an article[1] that
discusses some of this - the Three Laws of Programming:

- What you get right, nobody mentions it.
- What you get wrong, people bitch about.
- What is difficult to understand you have to explain to people over and
   over again.

D's spec on slices is covered by #3: "The difficult to understand stuff
is a real bummer. You have to explain it over and over again until
you’re sick, and some people never get it, you have to write hundred of
mails and thousands of words explaining over and over again why this
stuff means and why it is so. For a language designer, or author, this
is a pain in the bottom."

The article also suggests tagging the source with the compiler version it
was written for. Might be worth considering.

[0]: http://lambda-the-ultimate.org/node/4754
[1]: http://joearms.github.io/2013/05/31/a-week-with-elixir.html

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