D parsing

Chad Joan chadjoan at gmail.com
Mon Nov 4 20:45:39 PST 2013

On Sunday, 3 November 2013 at 01:45:23 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:
> 1)
> The main issue I see with pegged is PEG grammars don't support 
> left
> recursion, so for example will fail on foo[1].bar(2).fun().
> Unless there's a plan to accomodate those, I sense a dead end.
> One can eliminate left recursion but this has issues.

Use the repetition operator(s) and turn the resulting array into 
whatever tree you like.  In practice, I have never had a problem 
with this.

I have used both Pegged and have written an SQL parser at work 
(not exhaustive, just what's needed) that uses C macros as PEG 
elements.  Tangent: Using C macros for this worked surprisingly 
well and allowed me to avoid an extra step in the build process 
(I do not have access to D for that project).  Pegged is still 
much more scalable, optimizable, and the grammars are a lot less 

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