D french-speaking community

"Théo "Théo
Sat Nov 9 05:26:12 PST 2013

On Saturday, 9 November 2013 at 12:02:17 UTC, Michel Fortin wrote:
> Wouldn't it be better to concentrate efforts on making the 
> official D site and the forum interface multilingual? (and also 
> incidentally add a French forum here?) Then this system can be 
> expanded to other languages easily.

Well, dlang.org is a very good reference website, but as a 
beginner you can't use it easily to start programming in D. I 
want to make dlang-fr accessible to all the beginners with 
tutorials and easy-to-follow documentation.

I think dlang.org must keep like it is now ; a good 
advanced-programmer website, that make development of the 
language easy to maintain with advanced reference and docs. In my 
view that is not its job to promote D and make it accessible to 
beginners, but maybe I'm wrong ?

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