D french-speaking community

Michel Fortin michel.fortin at michelf.ca
Sat Nov 9 07:23:04 PST 2013

On 2013-11-09 13:40:10 +0000, Joseph Rushton Wakeling 
<joseph.wakeling at webdrake.net> said:

> On 09/11/13 13:02, Michel Fortin wrote:
>> Wouldn't it be better to concentrate efforts on making the official D site and
>> the forum interface multilingual? (and also incidentally add a French forum
>> here?) Then this system can be expanded to other languages easily.
> Raises a good point: how can one reliably provide multilingual DDoc?

Well, there are two kinds of DDoc. Whole pages and symbol descriptions. 
For whole pages, well you just duplicate the structure in a "fr" 
subfolder (and in the build script make sure buttons are added to 
switch from one language to another).

For symbol descriptions (including modules), I think the best way would 
be to have a translation table of some sort using the symbol's fully 
qualified name as a key. And also ideally a system that tells you which 
documentation snippets have been updated in the current build since the 
last translation in a given language. This system could also point out 
whole pages that needs to be updated (preferably with a diff view of 
some sort).

It's more work at first than creating a separate site, but in the end 
it'll pay off by being easier to keep up to date. Also, the main site 
being available in multiple languages is more welcoming that splitting 
communities on various satellite sites each doing their own thing.

(Also note that I have nothing against satellite sites doing their own 
thing. I'm just making the point that if someone wants to take a 
significant part of dlang.org and translate it, it'd be best if the 
translation was available on dlang.org in a well structured manner.)

Michel Fortin
michel.fortin at michelf.ca

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