DIP 50 - AST macros
Rikki Cattermole
alphaglosined at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 01:38:16 PST 2013
On Monday, 11 November 2013 at 09:24:31 UTC, Jacob Carlborg wrote:
> On 2013-11-11 09:31, Rikki Cattermole wrote:
>> Theres a few other things I think would need to be cleared up.
>> For example take this code:
>> shader {
>> program
>> vertex {
>> #version 150
>> void main() {
>> }
>> }
>> fragment {
>> #version 150
>> void main() {
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> At this point the vertex / fragment segments would be treated
>> as strings
>> instead of calling their macros. So perhaps a rule to identify
>> macros
>> inside macros calls? It would save a lot of time for parsing
>> reasons.
> They way I see that is the AST of the whole block would be
> passed to "shader". I have though a bit about macros inside
> macros, but I haven't come to a conclusion. The easiest way
> from a design point of view seems to be that "shader" to
> basically return the whole AST it receives plus any addition it
> needs to do. The the "vertex" and "fragment" macros are
> expanded recursively.
>> Also can you alias a macro?
>> alias fragment = tostring;
>> That would make things a lot simpler creating nice structures
>> of them.
> I don't see why not.
>> Perhaps a condition on a macro like the if's we got for
>> templates would
>> be useful in the sense of being able to say:
>> if (lexer.compareLine(0, "[a-zA-Z]{1}[a-zA-Z_0-9]*") &&
>> lexer.isSymbol(1, SymbolTypes.Macro, vertex))
> I don't think I understand how this should be used.
>> This would require us to develop a lexer library. But if done
>> right I
>> don't see why it wouldn't be usable for more than just D macro
>> checks.
>> Preferably also for e.g. c/c++ wink wink for when D's front
>> end is in D.
An example of this might be:
macro foo (Context context, Ast!(string) str)
if (lexer.isSymbol(0, SymbolTypes.Class))
return str;
class Bar {
int i;
foo {
The above code would succeed however the below code will give a
compiler error stating that the given macro is not found.
struct Haz {
int i;
foo {
The above code is based on the assumption of a D lexer in phobos.
This is simpler set of code which won't require a lexer.
macro foo (Context context, Ast!(string) str)
if (str == "working")
return "";
foo {fails}
foo {working}
In these cases its a simple string test to determine if the text
given is specified value.
In the original example I gave, I was using regex to make the
point of validation for a given line passed to the macro.
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