D parsing

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Tue Nov 12 00:02:08 PST 2013

On 2013-11-12 08:52, Andrei Alexandrescu wrote:

> Fine, although a sense of futility is hard to shake seeing as we won't
> replace those existing features. I think a much stronger point would be
> made if the power of the feature were demonstrated on problems not
> accessible with the existing ones.

You just said we shouldn't replace existing features.

"The point here is that there is
significant difficulty to remove features that already exist"


> About DIP 50: I will say "no" but please do not take it personally. It's
> great there is discussion about this, and I encourage it, but at this
> time I think we should make no plans to add macros to D.

I don't think we should add macros now either. This proposal is far from 
ready. If Martin hadn't suggested I should create a DIP, I wouldn't 
have, at least now at this time.

BTW, just saying "no" doesn't help a bit. You could just have said 
"foo". That's extremely annoying. You're shooting down very many 
suggestions/proposal/ideas with just a "no", or the more elaborated 
answer "no, never going to happen".

On the other hand when you have a proposal it should be consider 
pre-approved and is a more of a FYI.

/Jacob Carlborg

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