Shall I use std.json at my own risks ?

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at
Tue Nov 12 21:56:50 PST 2013

On Wednesday, November 13, 2013 06:26:53 jean christophe wrote:
> Hello
> would you guys say that std.json is a good or bad choice dor a
> desktop application ? I've read many threads about it on the
> forum and finally I don't realy know what to do Oo`
> I need my Gtkd application to maintain a (possibly big) archive
> database of financial records downloaded daily from the server
> application. In my case JSON seems to be the most convenient
> format. Please let me know if, according to you, std.json will
> cast aside as std.xml.
> Thenks.
> PS: As I'm new to the forum, I'd like to thank the D core
> community for such a GREAT language. I shall admit that it was
> difficult to abandon Emacs :s Anyway I've not been so positively
> impressed by a new language since Java 0.

I expect that std.json will be replaced at some point. There's certainly been 
talk of it from time to time, and I don't think that it's range-based like it 
should be. However, as I understand it, it's not in as bad shape as std.xml 
is. So, it's more reasonable to use. As I understand it, std.xml should 
probably just be avoided unless your desperate.

vibe.d also appears to have a json parser, so you may want to look at that as 

- Jonathan M Davis

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