Shall I use std.json at my own risks ?

Nicolas Sicard dransic at
Tue Nov 12 23:19:29 PST 2013

On Wednesday, 13 November 2013 at 06:30:21 UTC, Jonathan M Davis 
> On Tuesday, November 12, 2013 22:11:45 H. S. Teoh wrote:
>> What's the reason vibe.d's json tools aren't backported to 
>> Phobos?
> Probably because no one has ever bothered to try and get them 
> ready to be
> reviewed for inclusion in Phobos. Also, vibe.d seems to have a 
> lot of
> interdependencies with itself, making it so that some parts of 
> it couldn't be
> put into Phobos very easily. I don't know how much of that 
> affects their json
> module though, since I would have thought that that would be 
> the sort of thing
> which would be fairly standalone.
> - Jonathan M Davis

Actually, vibe.d's Json module was nearly independent from the 
rest of the framework, I mean until recently (I don't know if it 
is any more). It could be extracted in no time. But it seems that 
the main reason for not backporting it to Phobos was the need to 
wait for std.serialization.

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