Shall I use std.json at my own risks ?
jean christophe
cybrarian at
Wed Nov 13 00:08:18 PST 2013
On Wednesday, 13 November 2013 at 06:16:07 UTC, Rob T wrote:
>> I need my Gtkd application to maintain a (possibly big)
>> archive database of financial records downloaded daily from
>> the server application. In my case JSON seems to be the most
>> convenient format. Please let me know if, according to you,
>> std.json will cast aside as std.xml.
> I guess that I'm saying is that while std.json is rock solid
> and very fast, you may want to consider better alternatives to
> the json format unless there's a technical reason why json must
> be used.
> Have fun :)
> --rt
Well first thank you for sharing your experiences.
You mentioned that a) std.json is solid and fast and b) it's not
due to be deprecated. You've really helped me to make my choice.
I'm going to use that module. It'd be easier to implement the
retrieval of data from the server application side which is
written in PHP. For example, a simple
`json_encode($bigDataObject)` would be fair enough to send data
to the desktop application.
I agree that the API std.json is not sexy. But if it is reputed
solid and fast, why just not keep it, gently fix possible bugs,
and for those who need more fancy access to the JSON data, wrap
it in some kind of std.json.helper or similar extension. Jonathan
mentioned above that it is not range-based which is a lack as
ranges are one of the paradigms of D. IMO, it's important to have
a stable standard library onto which one can build real
applications programs in D. Too much forking is bad.
BTW I've tested the use of std.json with import std.parallelism
and it works. It's a pretty good news. The example below is
borrowed from Ali.
import std.stdio;
import std.json;
import std.conv;
import std.file;
import std.random;
import std.parallelism;
import core.thread;
struct Employee
int id;
string firstName;
string lastName;
void initStuf(JSONValue employeeJson)
writefln("Start long task for Employee %s", id);
JSONValue[string] employee = employeeJson.object;
firstName = employee["firstName"].str;
lastName = employee["lastName"].str;
Thread.sleep(uniform(1, 3).seconds); // Wait for a while
writefln("Done long task for Employee %s", id);
void main()
auto content =
`{"employees": [
{ "firstName":"John" , "lastName":"Doe"},
{ "firstName":"Anna" , "lastName":"Smith"},
{ "firstName":"Peter" , "lastName":"Jones"},
{ "firstName":"Kim" , "lastName":"Karne"},
{ "firstName":"Yngwee" , "lastName":"Malmsteen"},
{ "firstName":"Pablo" , "lastName":"Moses"} ]
JSONValue[string] document = parseJSON(content).object;
JSONValue[] employees = document["employees"].array;
uint employeeId = 0;
foreach (employeeJson; parallel(employees))
auto e = Employee( employeeId++ );
e.initStuf( employeeJson );
Gives :
Start long task for Employee 0
Start long task for Employee 4
Start long task for Employee 5
Start long task for Employee 1
Start long task for Employee 3
Start long task for Employee 2
Done long task for Employee 4
Done long task for Employee 5
Done long task for Employee 1
Done long task for Employee 3
Done long task for Employee 0
Done long task for Employee 2
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